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Administrative Staff

Haneen Sabah Abid Al Ibrahim Mohammed Younus Azeez
حنين صباح عبد الإبراهيم  محمد يونس عزيز
Assistant Lecturer  Administrator 
M.Sc. of Art (English Literature) Bachleor of Administration 
Ministry of higher education/apparatus for supervision and scientific evaluation Ministry of higher education/apparatus for supervision and scientific evaluation
Full-Time Administrative Staff Full-Time Administrative Staff

Ommar ahmed abbas Asawer Qasim Mohammed
عمر احمد عباس اساور قاسم محمد 
Chief Engineers  Senior Programmer Associate
Bachelor of Electronic and Communications Engineering Bachelor of Computer Science
Ministry of higher education/apparatus for supervision and scientific evaluation Ministry of higher education/apparatus for supervision and scientific evaluation
Part-Time Administrative Staff Part-Time Administrative Staff

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